So, what is Curiosity not Judgement? It started as a conversation between friends, evolved into a podcast episode, and then began to take on a life of its own. Now, Gary Oppedahl and Birga Alden are hosting a weekly interview series, discussing how curiosity can be injected into every area of life. The shift from judgement to curiosity just may be the reset you are looking for in work, relationships, health, faith and more.

New Episodes each Wednesday

About Us

Gary is currently serving as Vice President of Emerging Technologies with Emera, a $25 Billion Energy Company. He gets to help set the future direction of energy generation, distribution, storage and use for North America. An EE by degree, Gary is a serial entrepreneur who has started many companies in Albuquerque, NM and Silicon Valley. Gary is blessed with the opportunity to think about current and future trends and then drive organizations, people and resources to create the future.

Gary is a proud husband, father of three, and super-grandpa to nine of the best people on the planet.

Birga Alden has a history working with various organizations and volunteer groups serving the underprivileged and families living in poverty. Birga has a passion for community outreach and collaboration and enjoys facilitating meetings between entities to examine potential for new and innovative ways to work together toward a common goal. She has 10+ years of experience in radio & TV communications and writes articles for several online forums.

Birga and her husband are parents to two lovely, college-aged daughters.

Contact us

What’s on your mind? We’re curious!